This guide and accompanying workbook help commencing students prepare for their upcoming group assignments. Group assignments can be very rewarding. However, they can also be very challenging at times. Let’s help our students better prepare for them and succeed when asked to do them.
This workbook helps final-year/graduating students reflect on their group work experiences. Let’s help our students unpack their group experiences and become insightful team players.
This resource kit draws from multiple disciplines and covers a range of "best practice" teaching and learning techniques devoted to improving group work for students. Let's help students get the most out of their group work.
One of the best resources I ever produced. It's so simple, but so powerful.
The group charter gives students the opportunity to set expectations and develop group norms. Student groups are self-managing and are comprised of individuals of equal status, which often makes it difficult for groups to enter into early norm setting discussions. The charter provides a good platform to enable these important discussions to happen.
Student groups can struggle with their dynamics and progress. This is due, in part, to the equal status of group members and the competing demands on students’ time. My group maintenance session helps students deal with their struggles and build momentum for their group’s remaining weeks together. By running the session (or part of it), your students will benefit from having some much-needed process-related discussions.